Thundering Trails (1943)

IMDB Thundering Trails

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Stony Brooke has a brother named Johnny (John James) who lives in Monroe County but is not a part of the local law enforcement when the Rangers are disbanded due to funding problems. The Three Mesquiteers jump into action when local ranchers who do not pay for protection are shot – and one of the victims happens to be Stony and Johnny's father, Captain Sam Brooke. The three heroes soon find themselves accused of murdering another rancher named Ben Walker (Forrest Taylor), placed in jail but break lose in order to find out who is behind all the murders of the ranch owners. Look for the sheriff's pet, a crow named Eight Ball who can fetch items like a dog – and talk like a mynah bird. Lullaby also acts as a black-faced entertainer for a ventriloquist whose dummy his horse accidentally broke.

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2015-2024 Aventuras de Tom Tyler